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Checklists on digital screen

Jim Meade

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Do any of you use digital checklists on your Dynon or other digital devices? Could be on the Garmin or iPad or whatever.


When I bought my 210, it had a checklist on the Stormscope that at first I disdained but learned to really, really like.


I have a very good paper checklist for the CTSW. Now that I'm getting more time in the plane and getting a feel for how I tweak and modify the checklist, I'm thinking of adding a couple of checklists to some of the avionics or the iPad or whatever.


Some features I'm looking for are the ability to make a number of small checklists, such as Pre-takeoff, TO, climb out, cruise, descent, landing, taxi and post landing. and emergency. Now, obviously, some of these would be combined but the feature I'm hoping to get feedback on is the ability of various programs of equipment to split up the checklists into several that are easy to access.


Right now, I have a Dynon 100, 120, Garmin 496 and iPad and Android smartphone. I'll be getting a Dynon SkyView soon and would really, really, really like to get a Garmin 430W, so those are the platforms I'm most interested in, but I'd be glad to learn from any experiences.



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I made a full set of electronic checklists for my LS and uploaded them to the Dynon. I like it on the panel especially when students drop the paper checklist under the seat. I can email you a copy of the file I use and you can upload it to your D100. Skyview currently doesnt support checklists but from what I understand its coming, just not a priority for them yet.

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I made a full set of electronic checklists for my LS and uploaded them to the Dynon. I like it on the panel especially when students drop the paper checklist under the seat. I can email you a copy of the file I use and you can upload it to your D100. Skyview currently doesnt support checklists but from what I understand its coming, just not a priority for them yet.

Eric, I would like the file as well. Thank you, it will be a big help.



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