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Watch your hub

Wing Nut

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Hi All,


I am just doing some tidying up on my 2005 CTsw's 500 hourly when I noticed my prop has somehow developed a 1/2 ' long crack in the hub.


I have contacted the Aussie agent (as useful as tits on a bull - I am still waiting on the spare set of main gear I ordered in August 2008) and Neuform direct to find a replacement component but haven't heard back from either which is so re assuring.


So keep an eye on your hubs - just in case.


Sorry- Not having any luck attaching photos at this stage




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Peter, you say you're still waiting for landing gear that you've ordered in 2008? Could you try ordering parts from the FD USA main office in Connecticut? FD USA is also now certified to repair Neuform propellors. Maybe they could get your propellor fixed too? The landing gear parts may be in stock here in the U.S. and if not, I have to believe that FD USA would be able to get them in less than 4 years (and counting!).

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