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Fuel Flow Indicator Abnormalities


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Greetings Everyone,


I have a rather unusual problem. My fuel pressure indicates pretty normally, about 4.1 - 4.6, however, the fuel flow portion of that instrument is, to put it as scientifically and accurately as possible, "SQUIRRLLY".


During initial warm-up at 2000rpm the fuel flow indicates 0.0gph where it used to indicate 0.9gph. Now, it sometimes during run-up will climb to 7.5gph. The last two flights during initial climb-out, and still over the runway, it has risen to 10.7gph and set off the engine alarm for "abnormally high fuel flow" or something like that. All during these events the engine seems to run smoothly. At normal cruise the fuel flow indicates accurately.


So, do I have a guage or sensor problem? Or, perhaps, is this a serious issue to be dealt with immediately? Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks, Gentlemen.


I noticed a similar occurrence today. On departure fuel flow climbed to 12.6gph before settling back to a reasonable 7.5. Same thing on 3 t/o's in an hour and a half. Otherwise fuel flow numbers were within reason. Just on t/o up to maybe 300'.


Hi Ron,


You either have a bad wire (there are 3 of them) or a bad fuel flow sensor. Is the fuel pressure okay?



Hi Roger,


The fuel pressure is steady: between 4.1 and 4.6. Would you agree that this is probably a sensor or electrical problem and not dangerous to fly?




Hi Ron,

It sounds electrical since the pressure is steady. many people don't have fuel flow indication on their panels. That's the problem with all the digital info we have access to. Interpretation and how it correlates to other readings.



Many thanks, Roger and Bill. I appreciate your input. If nothing gets worse (and I can't find it) I'll get it fixed in two months at annual time.


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