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Disable XM preview?


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Hey all...


I have a 496 with XM weather turned on, but not XM music. When I switch my audio to the 496 output, I hear the XM preview channel continuously. How do I disable this? I want to get the GPS terrain and obstacle warnings, but I don't want continuous XM advertising through my headset between alerts though...

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Just scroll through the main screens until you get to the XMRadio page (assuming you have that page turned on),


Hit "MENU".


Last option in the list is "DISABLE AUDIO OUTPUT", or something similar.


I think that then shows an icon with a musical note with a line through it and mutes the XMRadio output until you reverse the procedure.


Let me know when you're home and are free. I have some fuel in the Sky Arrow I need to burn off!

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To my recollection, you still have the XMRadio page with a disconnected antenna, or even expired service.


I think you may need to "activate" that page elsewhere. Hit "Menu" twice to get to the main menus, and look for a setup page for the XM. Pretty sure its there somewhere.


Do you have the manual handy? If not, available online from Garmin as a .pdf.

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