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CTLS XC Flight -- Friday Harbor Washington to Prince Edward Island Canada.


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Hello fellow CT pilots!


I just got home in Friday Harbor WA (80 miles north of Seattle) after a flight across Canada and back. I departed Friday Harbor July 12, 2013, flew across Canada, and arrived at Prince Edward Island on July 21, 2013. I stayed there about five days, then headed home.


I attended the EAA Air Adventure at Oshkosh for three days. Flight Design had a very impressive presence at Oshkosh. They had a terrific location right at the entry gate. There were about five Flight Design aircraft on display; and there were usually a half dozen people from Flight Design and affiliates there to answer questions.


The CTLS performed remarkably all along the route - no down time whatsoever. I flew east over mountainous terrain in Canada's western provinces and I flew west over mountainous terrain in the US west. Even on hot days, I was able to clear the ridges with lots of room between me and the terrain.


It was a great flight. I took over 1,000 aerial shots with my Canon 5D Mark III. Take a look at my blog where I posed daily. Don't worry! The number of photos I posted on the blog has been mercifully reduced from the 1,000 shots I took.


Darryl Swenson


Seattle / Friday Harbor Washington


Darryl's Sky Camera | Aerial Photos and Tales of Flight

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