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CT performance tales


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I outran a C172 today. We were converging on the LA special flight rules corridor from the coast. He was off our right wing roughly paralleling us, same altitude. I was actually at a more oblique angle to the corridor than he was, thus a bit more distance to go. I poored on the coals: 5400 rpm at 15C and 3500 feet (not even full throttle -- that would be 5500 rpm) gave 117-118 knots true. We watched him slide behind us on the TIS. Very satisfying! WF

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Outperforming 172's is common to me. I've outrun an Archer without trying. Saw them load up next to me. If the tanks were full, we were each about 100 lbs. under gross. He took off ahead of me and turned onto the same course I was heading. I cruise climbed at 100 KTAS to 2,500 MSL, and had outclimbed him. He ended up levelling off at 2,500 as well, and I passed him about 5 minutes later. I was cruising at my usual 5,300 rpm's. At 2,500 MSL, I can hit 5,700 rpm wide open. We both ended up landing at my home field. I was taxiing to parking when he was landing.

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Outran a Beech Sierra once. We were talking on the radio. He couldn't believe it was happening. To stay with his cruise setting of 23"/2300 I only needed 4800 rpm. Now, in the world of 4 place retractables, the sierra is a dog. Beech made it to compete with Piper Arrow and cardinal RG but speed wise it never did.


But, dog or not, I still figured that when his gear came up on take off that he would be gone. Didn't happen!!

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