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Matco Brakes


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I installed Matco brakes 12 months ago and all seemed to be working well but I now get a loud screeching noise from both sides when the brakes are applied...lightly or firmly. (the brakes still work OK)

The pads are fine so I am wondering if this is normal or should I be looking for a problem.


The same problem occurred about 6 months ago on one side only but did not last for long. We recently replaced the tyres and the noise has returned, but on both sides this time?


We did follow the correct torquing procedure as specified by Matco for tapered roller bearings and the wheels do seem to have the correct amount of drag when rotated as described by Matco.


Can anybody throw some light on why I am having this problem?





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Hi Dave,


I have never heard a screeching noise from Matco's before. A metallic rub would be metal to metal on the brake pads. Screeching can come from dirt in the pads on a car or motorcycle and it can come and go at times. Your sure all four pads are okay and not down to the rivets? You could remove the pads. Take a little 220 grit sandpaper and sand the pads and rough them up a little and resurface them a tad. Don't over do it. You can use some 600 grit sandpaper on the disc and clean the disc surface. Other than this I would have to call Matco. May I can call them tomorrow and ask.

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Dave, I have used the "direct approach" and have called Matco asking for advice more than once and talked to George. Believe that he's the owner? He is very technical and always seemed friendly. You're maybe too far for a phone call but they should have an email contact? Here's their website with a "contact" section.


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Dick, Thanks for that suggestion and I will certainly make contact with Matco if I can't find the problem.

I had a quick look yesterday using a trolley jack to jack up the airplane but could not simulate the problem by just rotating the wheels by hand. I did notice however that on the right brake unit, one side of the disc was showing some signs of scoring. The pads are still like new but when I get time next week, I will remove the disc and have a closer look at what is going on.



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