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Landing Light Flasher & LED Upgrade


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Hello everyone.  I decided to start a new thread as there are several on the LED landing light options.  I grabbed a great LED bulb with the help of this forum and its members and I thank you.  I wanted to take it a step further and add a flasher circuit for general high visibility flying as seen on other planes.  So, I am bench testing this apparatus before I ask for a LOA from Flight Design (Maybe they'll give me one for free if they like this idea...hint, hint).  Since the new LED light allows for such a low amp draw (.75 amp) compared to the factory bulb, we can now fly with the landing light on all the time for added safety without straining the electrical system or running down our batteries.  I wanted to take it to the next level and add a flasher circuit when desired.  


So, the pieces are roughly $5 for the flasher, about $2 for the bulb socket, $8 for a new SPDT switch, and $15 for the bulb.  As you can see, it is very cost effective and will be simple to wire.  The switch I ordered is the same OEM switch used by Flight Design, but with three positions (on-off-on) instead of two (on-off).  The flasher module is tiny, and weighs less than an ounce.  All wiring can be done right at the switch panel. 


This would allow a flashing circuit to be seen, and a solid light for landing.  I will include a few pics of the pieces and a short video of the unit working on my desk.  It is very bright, to the point I was seeing spots.  In my opinion, I think this will be great, but I'm ready to be told otherwise.  I posted here for your thoughts and opinions.  


Please don't hold back :)


Bob F.  




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My total knowledge of electricity is the beleif that when you reach up to unscrew a light bulb the electricity will run down your arm and drip off your elbow. :thinking-1376:

That is why I am a Civil Engineer and not an Electrical Engineer!

Anyway, I think what you are doing is great. Keep us informed. I am looking foreward  to doing the same thing.

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I bench tested my set up all wired on my desk for 2 hours on solid light and then immediately switched to 2 hours of flash mode.  The LED bulb ran warm in solid mode after 2 hours, but this is without any air flowing over it.  In flash mode, it did not heat up at all.  In both modes, no wiring, flash module, or switch was warm.  

This is good news as I only see myself using solid light mode for landing at night and flash mode all the time during the day.  I rarely fly at night.  The switch is the perfect size, but it is all black with no markings.  In the picture it had markings.  I’m going to try my hand with a Dremel tool and white paint to possibly put a solid line on one end of the switch and three white dots on the other.  Might take it to my sign guy to see if he has any ideas.  


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