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Dipstick LEFT and RIGHT


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2 hours ago, Tom Baker said:

I don't remembet if the SW has a hole drilled in the top of the dipstick or not. If it doesn't drill a hole, and install a short steel bolt and nut. That way if you accidentally drop the dipstick in the tank you can retrieve it with a magnet.

Great idea Tom. I haven't dropped my dipstick in the tank yet but once in a while I think about what a PITA it could be to retrieve it.

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7 hours ago, sandpiper said:

Great idea Tom. I haven't dropped my dipstick in the tank yet but once in a while I think about what a PITA it could be to retrieve it.

I have rental airplanes, so I think about things like that. I never lost one in a CT, but I fished out one of those plastic tube things from a Cessna 152 twice. After the second time it got two tie wraps added to the top so it couldn't go in the tank.

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2 hours ago, Skunkworks85 said:

There is a require placard that is on the tank filler that says "Fuel Left" or "Fuel Right" if there is any confusion.

The confusion comes on the stick itself.  It has graduations on both sides and they are different.  You have to know how to orient the stick in each tank to read it properly.  As Tom said, you point the curved end of the dipstick so that the end points to the wingtip.

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3 minutes ago, FlyingMonkey said:

The confusion comes on the stick itself.  It has graduations on both sides and they are different.  You have to know how to orient the stick in each tank to read it properly.  As Tom said, you point the curved end of the dipstick so that the end points to the wingtip.


If you look at the wing(around the fill cap), and the wing says "fuel left" and then you look at the stick and it says "left" you are on the left wing and you need to use the "left" side of the stick. All you need to do is match the labels. 


One point Tom's response leaves out is where the observer is standing.

If for some reason this person checks the fuel level from the trailing edge side, the statement does not hold true.

My CTSW has this placard next to the filler cap.




Then you match the label to the placard, this has zero confusion!



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13 minutes ago, Tom Baker said:

My point is always correct, you just need to be smart enough to know which side of the stick to read.

I think that was what the OP question was, Which side to read? I do use your method for remembering how to do it, I was just pointing out that there is a sanity check built into the system(reading the labels)  I do believe that is how the factory intended the operator to use the dipstick, Read the wing, match it to the label on the sick and viola!

38 minutes ago, sandpiper said:

Everyone checking your fuel level from the rear of the plane raise your hands. Nobody? Thought so!:P

Takes all kinds... I have seen sillier things done! 


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This question has come up several times in this forum, and though stinker came close, it still hasn't been answered here.

The right and left wings, like the right and left side of the plane (or any aircraft) are intrinsic to the aircraft. It doesn't matter if the observer is looking at the plane from the front, or the side, or the back... or standing on his head in China.

The plane has a nose, and a tail, and a top and a bottom, which we all recognize. Once you have defined the orientation of these two axes, then the orientation of the third is established. The right side of the aircraft is on the inside when you make a normal right turn, same as with your car (or any vehicle).

Mike Koerner

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  • 7 months later...

Factory Dipstick - 89$ if CT had it in stock. I could make a dip stick if a CTLSi flier emails an attached template traced from their stick. Lunch is on me next time you are in southern IL and greater St Louis area. Thank you, Doug at KALN

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