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2006 vs 2007 ctsw


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I am looking to purchase a flight design plane soon. Can anyone tell me the differences ( if any ) that was made from 2006 to a 2007 model. I know avionics were upgrades, but I was wondering if there were any design changes? wings? tail, etc.. tks for any information..

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Jim, Wlfpckrs is correct that the major changes done to the CTSW occured between the 2005 and 2006 models. The 2006 received larger vert. stab. to provide better "rudder authority". The 2006 may have been the first model to get the 3 section instrument panel ("Classic") compared to the previous 2 panel ("Classic Lite")? I'm not totally sure but FD may have changed spring resistance for all three axis of the flight contols for 2006.

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There were several changes from the start of 2006 to the end of 2007. The rudder centering spring is one. There were also changes to the stabilator. Also there was a spring added to the stabilator control system in the early part of 2007. No real big changes in the way they fly except for the rudder spring, but personally I like the late 2006 early 2007. Tom

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Thanks for the information! This will be my first plane and am a little nervous about it. Just want to get it right. So I assume there are no real flying differenes in the two? So if the hours are about the same, no damage history, no flight school training on either, then the only differences in price should be with the panel options. Correct?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fantastic Jim! You will have to fly it over to the Page Fly in this year and show everyone!


If you have any questions about anything during your training feel free to ask. I have taught about 600hrs in the SW and now about 300 hours in the LS and am glad to help out.


Have fun!

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thanks guys, just completed 3 lessons in 2 days. My brain is in major overload!!!! ( newbie here, no flying expierence ) taking a week off and will take 3 more lessons, can't wait....

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