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CTSW,CTLS Stabilator moving front to back

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During a 100 hr inspection of a CTLS I found the horizontal stabilator to be loose and moved front to aft. I grabbed the outboard edge of the horz stab to check for security and found excessive play. I checked the torque and it was right on the money, so I started my investigation.


The problem wasnt the stab itself, but rather the steel bracket that holds it on. The 2 bolts fit very snuggly in the stab as designed, but with the stab on the bench I checked the steel bracket with the bolts and came to the conclusion.


I happened to have 2 other CT's in my shop. One was a SW and the other was a LS. The SW was fine, but the LS had the same play as well. This meant 2 out of the 3 CT's in my shop for MX had excessive play in the horz stab.


As luck would have it, Daniel from Germany was in Sebring and we came up with a mod for the steel pivot bracket that holds the horz stab on the A/C. There is only one other CT that has had this problem ( 3 total worldwide), but I want all CT owners and MX stations to be aware and recommend checking this area. I have the LOA for the mod and can forward any info to anyone who might need it.

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Tad, I looked at the mod drawing and tried to understand just what is loosening up by re-reading your post. Is the problem caused by the bolt holes in the steel stab braket opening up and allowing the bolts to move around? Is the washer shown on the drawing added to re-establish a new hole of correct size for the bolt?

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You are correct on both. I can turn down the new bushings on the lathe and send them to anyone who needs them.


you need to open the holes up to 10 mm and get longer bolts. If you have trouble finding the hardware or bushings locally, I can put a kit together

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In the drawing you will see 4 small tack welds that hold the new bushings in place. The bushings are clamped by the 2 horz stab bolts and are not going anywhere. However the purpose for the welds are in case the stab is removed, the bushings will stay in place.


If your bolt holes are elongated you will most defineately need this mod. I garentee if you reinstall the stab, it will move front to aft. The last thing we want is horz stab flutter. I know first hand, and it is something you never want to experience.


I have been getting a lot of calls and emails on this one. During your pre-flight walk around it is a good idea to check this area.

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On another note:


Some of the newer LS's came with a 360 degree rotational style bearing where the stab pivot pin goes through. Most CT's (SW & LS's) just have a fixed single axis rotating bearing. The problem with that newer bearing as I see it is it allowed the LS stab to move up and down and back and forth. Way too much free play. If this free play was unacceptable in all the other CT's why would this free play now be acceptable. This would allow this area to move so much that wear would occur sooner and how would you tell an owner what is acceptable free play and what is not. I understand that this was only in some of LS's and they have since gone back to the single axis bearing. If it were me and I had one of those rotating type bearings I would ask to and go back to the older bearing and get rid of the stab free play. I have brought this up to FD so they are and have been aware and maybe that's why they went back. It is a very easy bearing swap and should take about 45 min. start to finish.

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