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EGT Temps, what does everyone run at?


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Hi Mack,


The EGT's, oil temp and CHT's are effected by two main items, the fuel flow and prop pitch. Prop pitch can play a big part. Normal EGT right now for most is around 1440 - 1500. They can be close to equal or be any where from 0-90F apart. Mine right now on a 90F day and at 3500' - 4500' msl cruise at 5150 with a WOT setting of 5575 is 1340-1370. I lowered my carb needle clip to the #4 notch. A little more fuel flow. It brought down my EGT's about 80-90F, my CHT's run 210 and my oil around 220F. I would tell anyone right now that if your prop pitch is set below 5500 rpm WOT then you are building extra heat. Closer to 5550-5600 WOT at cruise flat and level is better and cooler for the summer climbs. Flying at 5100-5200 at cruise is cooler than 4700 rpm. If you are getting too hot then reduce the climb angle and increase speed. If the prop pitch isn't enough then try dropping the clip on the carb needle one notch to the #4 position.


Mack I have a friend (Bob Corey) with a CT in Louisville, KY and he may want to fly out to Page alongside. I gave him your cell. I'm not sure how serious he is about coming out, but maybe.

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Mine seem low then. They are off by 40F usually but I run about 1280F at 5000RPM and during extended climb with 5200RPM on an 85deg day, I will see 1380F tops with oil at 210F WOT is 5500. Don't know why I am lower

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Last Sat. my egt's were 1399/1285 at 6,700', 5050 rpm and oat of 68 after about 50 minutes of flying. Cht's were 193/191, oil pressure 51, oil temp. 197 (206 during climb), 3.8 psi fuel pressure and 4.6 gph indicated. These are fairly typical for my 2008 LS with 330 hours.



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Hi Kurt,


That might possibly be affect since you are at sea level..

I'm often at 14,000ft over the Sierras. I stay below 1300F egt all the time for level flight even at full throttle up to these altitudes. Of course, it is often below freezing outside even in summer up there.

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Hi Philip,


You should feel really really guilty about not coming to Roswell with us this weekend since you live so close.sad.gif


Lived there when it was Walker AFB in the 60ties during Cuban Missle Crisis. There were Atlas Missles in silos ringing Roswell and B52s and 47s on alert and all manner of USAF activity way back when. Remember having to walk home one day with other grade schoolers because of the crisis and nearing brink of war. There was also a Municipal Airport in town...

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Mine seem low then. They are off by 40F usually but I run about 1280F at 5000RPM and during extended climb with 5200RPM on an 85deg day, I will see 1380F tops with oil at 210F WOT is 5500. Don't know why I am lower


Do you run 100LL? I see about 100°F lower when I run 100LL.

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