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Common causes of Vibration

Vibration Common Causes and Fixes      I get many phone calls on vibration in owner’s aircraft.  Here we’ll talk about some of the common causes, where to look and what you can do to help mitigate these vibration issues. Here is a common list, but is not all inclusive; 1.     Carbs not synced properly. 2.     Carb vent hose improperly placed or removed. 3.     Carbs not opening equally or fully. 4.     Prop blades not the same pitch or out of track. 5

Safety Officer

Safety Officer

Chasing the Perfect Idle RPM

Chasing The Perfect Idle RPM The highs and lows   Is there a perfect idle rpm for the 912 series engine? This seems to be a widely discussed and at times a hotly debated item on many forums. The simple answer is NO. Set the idle where you want and or need it, but do it for the right reason. A big discussion seems to be that if the idle isn’t set low enough I can’t land or I’ll float way down the runway. This answer may surprise you, but it shouldn’t and I’ll address this later in

Safety Officer

Safety Officer

Carb sync in simple terms

PROCEDURES FOR MECHANICAL AND PNEUMATIC SYNCHRONIZATION OF THE 912 CARBS:     This will get you through the basics and after you do a sync or two it will get easier and you will get better. This is not an official document and is only meant for your edification and will get you through a carb sync. Some experienced people that do carb syncs on a 912’s may vary some, but the basics ideas are the same.     Mechanical Synch of the Carburetors – Do this First   Bowden cables adjustment

Safety Officer

Safety Officer

Good Documentation?

Good Documentation? “It’s Everything”     I would like to take a moment and talk about good verses poor logbook entries and how they may affect you. I don’t know how to make this a short article because it has so many ramifications and implications for owners and mechanics. I get many questions about documentation for our logbooks and I get to see many logbook entries. This article is prejudiced toward good documentation and for those who say; “ if I don’t write it they can’t bla

Safety Officer

Safety Officer

Rotax 5 Year Rubber Replacement -The Installation Considerations

Rotax 5 Year Rubber Replacement The Installation Considerations Part 2 For those who have decided that they will do a Rotax 5 year rubber replacement we need to look at what it covers and how we can utilize good sterile maintenance practices to keep debris from our hose lines. I will admit that there is more than one way to accomplish this procedure and what will be discussed in this article is, but one way. The Rotax 5 year rubber replacement covers all fuel, oil and coola

Safety Officer

Safety Officer

The Task at Hand - Rotax 5 Year Rubber Replacement

The Task at Hand Rotax 5 Year Rubber Replacement Part 1   This discussion is going to focus on a topic that will undoubtedly have Rotax engine owners on both sides of the fence, both for and against in a major discussion, but I hope to instill a sense of “Doing things right and for the right reason” and without all the worry some seem to have over this solid and sound maintenance practice. As you can see from the last few words in the last sentence this article will focus o

Safety Officer

Safety Officer

Winning the engine Lottery

Winning the Engine Lottery Not one you want to win! Here I was flying along with 3 other CT’s on our way for breakfast and a happy camper. I was the leader that day and decided to take a new route to our breakfast airport. What a good decision that was that day and I didn’t even know it. I was in mid sentence giving the ATIS information to the others when my engine burbled for 2 seconds then back to normal. It burbled again 2 more times, but after the third time

Safety Officer

Safety Officer

Who Needs A Manual?

Manuals; Do I Really Need Them?     The simple answer is absolutely, YES! It doesn’t make any difference if you have a Rotax 2 stroke or a 4 stroke. If you own a Rotax engine and pick up a screwdriver or wrench and intend to touch your engine then you need the manuals on hand. Your neighbor is not Wikipedia and won’t always have correct advice. Even if you think you know what to do,something unexpected always comes up. An example would be; what to torque a bolt or nut, so you may need

Safety Officer

Safety Officer

Understanding the Ground Adjustable Prop

Understanding the Ground Adjustable Prop   Keeping it simple and effective for the common setup.   Let's discuss prop pitch and how it affects flight characteristics. It can help flight characteristics or it can hinder. I'm often asked; What's the correct prop pitch for a specific plane? There is no single answer as many props are available to us today for Rotax engines and for different fuselages. There are, however, some commonalities and that

Safety Officer

Safety Officer

Do I Have Enough Tension?

Do I Have Enough Tension? (Tension in this article doesn’t apply to work or home ) Let’s talk about the tensionon your muffler exhaust springs. Too little?---Too much? Although there several types of exhaust and muffler setups out there, I’ll limit this article to the most common and that is where the exhaust spring holds the exhaust male outlet pipe into the female socket on top of the Rotax stock muffler. If you don’t have a stock Rotax muffler, but do use springs, then th

Safety Officer

Safety Officer

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