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Foreflight and ADS-B


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ADS-B does not cover the entire US at this point and reception may not be possible below 1500' - 2500' (depending on your distance from a ground station). A pretty good table (and comparison with XM) is: http://foreflight.com/support/xmvfisb.


Weather coverage map and explanation at: http://www.appareo.com/primarymenu/products/stratus/stratus-coverage-map/

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  • 1 month later...

I'm waiting until Navworx UAT (ADS-B in and out) is interfaced to the iPad. I run ForeFlight now, but WingX could get my business if theytalk to NavWorx. Now to browse the web sites again, and see if they introduced it while I was typing....


WingX will be supporting a new ADS-B vendor to be available at OSHKOSH.



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I was interested in Navworx because it is ADS-B in and out. I fly in the vicinity of Class B, so as of 2020 I would need ADS-B out.

Of course, I might not be flying in another 8 years, or whenever the FAA actually does finish this.

Thanks for the info on Sagetech. I didn't know about them, and they are (relatively) nearby. I may visit.

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  • 1 month later...

Just got my Stratus. Wow. It is amazing with Foreflight. I cancelled my sub for XM. The have a new ram mount coming at Osh which will make it easy to setup and forget it. All the info I need at no monthly cost.


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I bought a iPad 2 3G with wifi off eBay. The knock on the system is that it gets real hot on the glare shield , which I can verify. I called Stratus and the confirmed a mount will become available from Ram next week so it can be mounted on the window. This has been reported to give the best coverage for both satellite for the gps and radio signals from the ground station. The antenna for the weather is on the bottom of then it and the one for gps on top. Mounting vertical next to the window makes sense.

And I was ready to buy the external antenna so as not to put it on the glare shield.


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  • 1 year later...

I'm curious how a plane at -51 was being displayed.


I though ADS-B had a 15 nm radius and 3500' of vertical separation or less to display.


On my Dynon ADS-B I have seen some over 3500 feet but never over 4000' and when it shows up at say +37 and climbing it soon disappears. Also, I got to visually confirm this vertical separation with a commercial flight out of IAH. It was on my screen and climbing to cross right in front of me. It disappeared shortly after registering more than 3500 feet above. I was then able to see the plane, which was considerable more than 3500 feet above me by the time I saw him.

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The problem with a receiver only solution is that you will be dependent on an aircraft in your close proximity to have ADS-B out to wake up the ground stations. I'm in the Dallas Class B and have more days that I don't get traffic than those that I do. That's the main reason I'm looking for an inexpensive ADS-B out solution. For those that are going for a tablet solution and like WingX or Avilution then SkyGuard has a transceiver that could work for you.

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I just sent Bill C. another note on a fix that will let the 795/96 talk to the GTX330 ES for ADS-B out.

Apparently hes working on this.


Even though it's considered a portable unit, there may be a way to accomplish the task.



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I just sent Bill C. another note on a fix that will let the 795/96 talk to the GTX330 ES for ADS-B out.

Apparently hes working on this.


Even though it's considered a portable unit, there may be a way to accomplish the task.




Garmin 796 is not TSOd, and i do not believe it is allowed to be used as the source for ADS-B out in the USA. I am reading references to verify.


EDIT: can't use it to meet the requirements by 2020. 91.225 (http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=7cf71ec91bb70feac7ca6220b721714b&node=14: requires the use of installed equipment which conform to Technical Standard Orders. TSO equipment has to receive a TSO authorization in order to be considered compliant. Portable GPS receivers, including the 795/96, are not TSO'd, and supposedly the FAA has no interest in ever approving them. Nor foes the FAA consider them installed equipment.

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Rich -- interesting. I was told by Trig that the NMEA output from the 796/5 did not provide sufficient ADS-B information and the ground station could mark signal as invalid (or something like that). This would not allow it to trigger the ground stations and the FAA could seek some type of action against you. I also corresponded with Garmin tech support and they stated that the Garmin portables could not be used to feed data to the Garmin 330ES. This back last year when I was trying to figure out a lower cost approach to getting ADS-B out. Going with the 330ES is somewhat of non-starter for me since I have the 327 and it cost around $4K to get the 330ES. Hope things have changed, though.


Anticept -- you do not need a TSO'ed position source before 2020 (for instance the Dynon Skyview transponder and GPS). Starting in 2020, the position source will need to meet some TSO spec but that spec isn't finalized yet.

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S3flyer, you submitted your reply before I was done :).


Also, the skyview transponder is TSO'd. You just need to have a TSO'd gps installed before 2020, and it will qualify. EDIT: just realized how this read. I meant TSO'd gps needs to be installed before 2020 rolls around to continue flying in required areas ;)


i am hoping enough market force will come along and the FAA will allow TSO equivalent equipment for use...

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