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Alternate Fire Extinguisher Loation


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For some time I’ve been looking for an alternative location for the fire extinguisher. Behind the co-pilot seat was at best awkward and for me impossible (I fly from the right). The floor storage compartment was convenient but difficult (for me) to reach; particularly in an emergency.


Here’s an idea that work very well for me. I put a wide strip of Velcro on one side of the canister. The cabin is carpeted so I could put it just about anywhere however what I like best is right in front of the seat. It’s not at all in the way, it never moves even in rough air and best of all its right at hand if needed.


The only downside is looks a little like I forgot to put it away. Oh well, function trumps ascetics.



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Will it stay in place in case of a crash or severe turbulence?


We are not required to abide by this document, but it is a good reference. AC 20-42D, Subject: Rand Fire Extinguisbers for use in Aircraft Date: 01 /14/1 1, so it is quite recent. It recommends against dry carbon extinquishers. Here are some excerpts. Again, I recognize this is not mandatory for us.


b. We establish the halocarbons hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) Blend B,

hydrofluorocarbon (HFC)-227ea, and HFC236fa as FAA approved replacement agents to Halon

12 11 and Halon 1301.


c. This AC recommends that you transition to using these new halocarbon clean agents

in fire extinguishers kepI onboard aircraft and rotorcraft. We explain how to gain certification

for halocarbon clean agent extinguishers intended to replace Halon 1211 hand-held


d. This AC recommends that dry chemical. dry powder, and carbon dioxide hand

extinguishers, in general, should not be used in aircraft.





It says, "3. How to Locate and Mount Hand Fire Extinguisbers in Small Single Engine and

Multiengine Aircraft.

a. Locate hand fire extinguishers so that they are easi ly accessible to the, flight crew and

the passengers.

b. Do not allow hand fire extinguishers to lie loose on shelves, seal back pockets or

seats. Properly mount the hand fire extinguisher to the airframe structure.

c. Aircraft structure and extinguisher mounting brackets should be capable of

withstanding the inertia forces specified in paragraph I c above."



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No problem with turbulence, can handle more than I can. As to the crash test I'm holding off on that as long as possible. :lol:






Will it stay in place in case of a crash or severe turbulence?


We are not required to abide by this document, but it is a good reference. AC 20-42D, Subject: Rand Fire Extinguisbers for use in Aircraft Date: 01 /14/1 1, so it is quite recent. It recommends against dry carbon extinquishers. Here are some excerpts. Again, I recognize this is not mandatory for us.


b. We establish the halocarbons hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) Blend B,

hydrofluorocarbon (HFC)-227ea, and HFC236fa as FAA approved replacement agents to Halon

12 11 and Halon 1301.


c. This AC recommends that you transition to using these new halocarbon clean agents

in fire extinguishers kepI onboard aircraft and rotorcraft. We explain how to gain certification

for halocarbon clean agent extinguishers intended to replace Halon 1211 hand-held


d. This AC recommends that dry chemical. dry powder, and carbon dioxide hand

extinguishers, in general, should not be used in aircraft.





It says, "3. How to Locate and Mount Hand Fire Extinguisbers in Small Single Engine and

Multiengine Aircraft.

a. Locate hand fire extinguishers so that they are easi ly accessible to the, flight crew and

the passengers.

b. Do not allow hand fire extinguishers to lie loose on shelves, seal back pockets or

seats. Properly mount the hand fire extinguisher to the airframe structure.

c. Aircraft structure and extinguisher mounting brackets should be capable of

withstanding the inertia forces specified in paragraph I c above."

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