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Online logbook


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The program looks nice, and I've often considered using it... but it just costs too much. I shouldn't have to pay the same amount for a relatively simple logging database as I do for a sophisticated, complicated, moving map system.

For online backup of my flight log, I just periodically take a picture (smartphone) of the most recent page. That, by itself, serves as a backup. But, my smartphone is setup to automatically upload all pics to dropbox, so I have an online backup as well.

BTW... it may be a good idea to take pictures of your other airplane paperwork, just in case (registration, airworthiness, pilot's license, medical, etc).


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I have not done it yet, but it would seem simple enough to set up a spreadsheet to do the same thing, and if you needed extra access use dropbox or another cloud storage app. I would however take pictures or scans (or photocopies) of endorsements, and other significant paperwork. I have been scanning my logbook pages, but I think I will go the spreadsheet route. I do need to photo the paperwork in the airplane - thanks for the reminder Tim.

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I just use an Excel spreadsheet, kept in a DropBox folder.


That way I have access to it from either my iPhone or iPad when I'm traveling.


Works well enough, and having Excel its a free solution.


Looks like this, with more columns off to the right, of course:




Endorsements go in a logbook I keep for just such things.

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