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Electronic logbook

Al Downs

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I started using Logbook Pro about 10 years ago. As you suggest, it is easier to come up with totals in various categories. I found it helpful when filling out insurance forms, company forms and FAA forms like the 8710.


As you know, if you look at the aeronautical experience requirements for various certificate levels you get differences in what kinds of flights count. For example the cross country is different when you get to ATP. So, I wanted something that would let me log every nuance of every flight and Logbrook Pro did that for me.


I still use it but I don't need near the complexity now. Mine is based on my home computer.


I still maintain a dupe paper log and that is where signatures go.


I don't even want to be able to produce my log if ramp checked, so I guess I'm not sure how I'd react if asked for my log and knowing I could access it from my cell phone or tablet.

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I use Excel.


If I need to find out how many night hours I have in an SR22 in the last year, I can just sort by type, then night, then date. I then have a list of all my night hours in an SR22, and it easy to get a sum of those in the last year.


It's very rare I have to do any of this. Usually once a year when I renew my insurance.


It may be a bit clunky, but what it lacks in elegance it makes up for in flexibility and price - free, because I already have Excel.


And I keep it in Dropbox, so I can access or update it using my iPhone or iPad, utilizing a free app called CloudOn.

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