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Mag drop With a Steam Tach


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Hey all...


My airplane has a "steam" tachometer, no fancy-fied engine glass. This makes mag checks a bit more art than science. My current technique is at 4000rpm to watch for a *slight* drop in RPM on each mag, and that they are roughly equal. I also listen to hear the faint one-mag roughness even out when I go back on both mags. Given the large scale graduations on the tach, there is not really a good way to distinguish between a 100rpm drop and a 150rpm drop. They would both just look like a "blip" on the tach which only has 200rpm resolution, and those lines are quite close together.


Is there a more scientific way to ensure proper RPM changes with a steam tach? I seem to remember doing mag checks on the Tecnam I flew several years ago with the same style tach in the same way, as taught by Lockwood Aviation.

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