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Water thermostat

Tom Baker

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I went to pick up an airplane for a condition inspection.I had been told that they had had a warning a couple times. I started the airplane and before the oil temp was up I was getting an alarm for cylinder head temp. I shut down and everything related to the cooling system was very hot except the radiator, which I could easily place my hand on. I tapped on the thermostat and heat started to transfer to the radiator. I started back up and everything worked OK then.

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Sure does sound like a stuck thermostat. I highly doubt FD has any internal parts. This thermostat comes from Europe and they don't sell them here. They would have to come through FD and they aren't cheap. I would bet at least $500-$600. Half the guys I know would rather do without it, but that's just a personal choice. It seems to be a bigger PITA for any routine maint. verses any solid help for many, but I guess if you live where you get some real snow and extreme winter weather it may help. It will be interesting to see what FD does if some of these start to stick. They could if they wanted get some internal parts from the company.

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