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Foreflight Update Affects iPad1

Jim Meade

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The writing has been on the wall for some time now... the calculations needed for some of the things they are doing in aviation apps just won't pack it on the iPad1 any more. If it's not the calculations, it's features that require a newer version of IOS.

RIP iPad(one)


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There are also features in WingXPro7 that do not work on my Gen 1 iPad. I get around that by borrowing Karen's iPad2 for use in the plane.


Apple is having an event on Sept 10, rumored to be iPhone-centric, but I'd wait until at least then before springing for a new iPad or iPad mini, in case a new one is imminent.

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Since I'll have dual SkyViews this fall, I have a notion to simply go with an electronic chart and not worry about the EFB. I don't use Foreflight for much else, anyway, although I do like the docs and I use the memorized airports to check METARs enroute.. Maybe it's time to review android and windows again for simple charts.

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Kind of where I am now. I don't see the need for a tablet in a cockpit with large, moving map, weather-enabled screens other than for backup. You will have redundant maps with, presumably, battery backup. Once I put in my Garmin 795, I found I never used my iPad since I had equivalent functionality and plenty of real estate. I now use my iPhone 5 as a ready backup (which has a larger screen than a 496) and my iPad somewhere in the baggage area.


I do use iPad/Foreflight for on-the-ground planning but no longer use it in the cockpit.


Please note I said NEED. Has nothing to do with WANT.

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