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loss of bagage door

Michael Christmann

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The baggage door check should be on your preflight checklist. The POH doesnt list it, but I have it on mine. Here is a copy if you want a complete list that includes it. Just replace the references to Lane A & B check with mag check.


Michael is an instructor who has experience flying F-104s, Alpha Jets, and F-16s. I'm pretty sure he know how to run a checklist. This happened when a student was flying the airplane.


Not that this needs to be said, but experienced pilots have also left the baggage door open and lost them. I am aware of someone who lost a door on a brand new CT being delivered to a customer. The addition of this check on the preflight checklist is not just prudent, it's a no-brainer since the checklist is obviously something ALL pilots should use, especially if they are flying students who likely are being taught proper pilot techniques.


Sure, but when something like this happens saying "I'll give you my checklist if you don't have one" is rude and condescending. Every pilot is taught and knows to use a checklist, you don't have to point that out to them.


This is the equivalent, if this were a driving forum, of somebody posting about a fender bender in a parking lot and somebody responding "You know, the brake pedal is the one on the left, and all drivers should use that to stop the car and prevent accidents."


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