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I have mixed feelings on this sort of thing.


If its real burled wood, its one thing.


If its fake, its another.


Kinda like faux carbon fiber, it doesn't do much for me.


Along the lines of "Form follows function."


But as long as you like it, that's all that really matters. :)

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I have mixed feelings on this sort of thing.


If its real burled wood, its one thing.


If its fake, its another.


Kinda like faux carbon fiber, it doesn't do much for me.


Along the lines of "Form follows function."


But as long as you like it, that's all that really matters. :)


Ugly. And busy. Adds extra eye work and buries the instruments in a background of swirl and brown. Why not dangle a pair of foam dice from the compass or put in a boom-box stereo too?


Oh well . . . to each his own, eh?

Not my cup of tea either.

Personally, I think it depreciates the airplane.

IMHO, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way FD already delivers its airplanes.

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The stokel works well, but I was not fond of the plywood floorboards or the open baggage area behind the seats. (I believe the limit is 50 lbs.)

The castering nose wheel and differential braking have good and bad points - mostly a matter of preference.

The O-200 doesn't compare to the Rotax in weight, oil and fuel consumption, and,I would guess in longevity without major repair. --- IMO

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Seen this dash and now I want one. How can I get this on my plane it's not offered through Flight Design?


Cheers Karl






If it's real wood your looking for I would suggest you apply veneer to the aluminum panels. Veneer, if applied properly, fools most people into believing that it is solid.


Here is a link to place that sells high quality items. Www.rockler.com


I don't have a source for vinyl and I have no idea how the instrument labeling is done.

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Since we've veered off topic...


1) Stoke - not stokel!


2) Pedals - not peddles!


Oh, and I just found this video:



I was unclear on the concept. This makes it clear it almost perfectly mimics a stick while leaving the floor and you lap unobstructed.


Pretty clever design, I'd say!


Oh, and a nice panel, too!

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My first 44 hours of flying was to get my Private in a Champion 7FC followed by 53 hours in a Piper J3 working on a Commercial. The stoke feels just like the floor mounted stick in these airplanes. I really like it.


Well, as long as we're reminiscing...


A MUCH younger Fast Eddie in a 7ECA Citabria, with a REAL stick in his hand, back when men were men and women were glad of it!




Oh, and in an amazing coincidence, I was reminded that that plane had a faux wood panel (hard to see here, but take my word for it!):




Found this stock photo that shows a similar one better:



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Here is the post:


Seen this dash and now I want one. How can I get this on my plane it's not offered through Flight Design?


Cheers Karl


I dont believe he was asking what everyone thought about it or what they do or dont like he was asking did anyone know where he could find one?????


Sorry i do not know and what i think is not important and im sorry i cannot answer your question.

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If it's real wood your looking for I would suggest you apply veneer to the aluminum panels. Veneer, if applied properly, fools most people into believing that it is solid.


Here is a link to place that sells high quality items. Www.rockler.com


I don't have a source for vinyl and I have no idea how the instrument labeling is done.

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Is this forum censored?


On the one hand, I guess we should make some attempt to stay on point, but...


...on the other hand, its a discussion group and we're having a discussion. If it veers into other areas, well, those areas are sometimes of interest or amusing or something on their own merit.


Sometimes! :P

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Roger, et al,


If I use a word, especially an aviation term, improperly, I consider it a positive thing to be corrected. I do not consider it good to continue making the same mistake.


So, if and when I do, I invite anyone and everyone to correct me, and I thank them in advance.


I will put CTLSi down as someone who does not wish to be corrected. If anyone else wants to be in the same camp, let me know - otherwise the instructor in me is kind of primed to point out mistakes - but rarely grammar mistakes.

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It's the way it's done. Be more PC, which boils down to being polite like your mother's taught us.


Remember your grade school training.


Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.


Regress a little and you'll see its wisdom and remember to use the clutch between your mind and your verbal comments.

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Okay,back to fun dashboard chat.


Personally I thought it looked nice. :)


Yes. Like a fine luxury automobile, which is probably the look he's going for.


But back to "form follows function"...


It's inevitable that the panel will be reflected onto the windshield with the sun at certain angles. It is then that I think black or neutral panels shine. I think the "busyness" of all that burled wood reflected onto the windshield would be more distracting than something black or more neutral.


But That's Just Me™!


(and it does look kinda cool!)

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This has been broached before.


A forum member said he liked the way something looked, so much that he was trying to source it.


I said "it didn't do much for me" and explained why.


You just said it was ugly. Not, "I don't personally find it attractive", or "Not my cup of tea", or even, "I think its ugly".


Those would be opinions. A one word response, "Ugly", is what I thought could have been more politic.


That's all, and I'm pretty sure I'm done on this topic - unless I can think of something interesting to say about panels!

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