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Would you like to fly CT in Scandinavia but lives in Florida?


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Would you like to fly CT in Scandinavia but lives in Florida? Now you have the opportunity! I'm looking for someone who has CT in Florida and would like to spend some hours with me with you as Pilot in Command. I am a Norwegian pilot with European PPL and just become the owner of a wonderful CTSW in Norway. Throughout January I'll be in Florida and would love to fly CT and see parts of Florida from above. If you have plans to go to Scandinavia, you now have a great opportunity to see Scandinavia from a perspective not many Americans have the opportunity to! Anyway, if you happens to not have any plans travel across the Atlantic with the first, I am still interested in flying CT some hours during January (2014) and of course pay for it, but you must be the Pilot in command since I'm just certified for Europe.

Best regards Thor


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When you guys get hooked up please send a PIREP...It sure would be nice to develop close ties to our brethren across the Atlantic. How wonderful would it be to do a flying tour of Europe in a CT....Definitely a bucket list item for me.

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