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As requested - Sky Arrow battery count


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A forum member (I forget who? :P ) has been on me about how many batteries my Sky Arrow has. At the hangar yesterday I did my best to count.


The answer, I suppose, can be anywhere from 1 to 24, not including our iPhones and iPads, which might be another 4. Or our flashlight, or GoPro, or our pacemakers*, or our spare AA's, or...


Anyway, for a typical flight...


Main Battery - (1)

Dynon D10A - Backup battery (1)

Garmin 496 - (1)

ELT - (6)

ELT Remote - (1)

iCom Handheld - (10)

Headsets (2 each) - (4)


And this from someone who advocates "less is more"! :unsure:


Anyway, can anyone top me? Not like its a contest or anything! ;)



*Just kidding! For now, anyway.


My CT:


Main battery (1)


D100 EFIS backup (1)


Garmin 496 (1)


No idea what battery pack my ELT uses.


Ipad (1)


Phone (1)


Camera (1 pack, two cells)


Flashlight (1 pack, multiple cells)




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