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Did anyone here fly an Evektor before settling on a CT? And why?


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In other posts here mentioned I am seriously looking at buying a 900 hr 2006 CTSW.


All indications are CT owners are happy owners, and my research reveals many pluses... Not the least of which us my bias to high wing.


But Evektors have similar performance and priced comparably, and have AFAIK equally happy owners.


Curious what in same price range others flew and considered before settling on CT.. And what was the deal maker factor or factors... And any second thought in retrospect?




I have people who fly an evector north of OSU, and it's a great low wing. However, you will bake in the sun.


The landing gear is also much like the predicessors to the CTLS, and is not able to take much of a beating. The upside though is the evector is easy to disassemble and repair.


I have people who fly an evector north of OSU, and it's a great low wing.....


......The landing gear is also much like the predicessors to the CTLS, and is not able to take much of beating.....


Thanks for those several Evektor points.


But wait....... Isn't the 2006 CTSW I'm flirting with (and for that matter every CT but the CTLS) a predecessor of the CTLS? And thus are you also saying that CTSW I'm looking at has landing gear that can't take much of a beating?

Not that I PLAN to beat on the landing gear, but in my first ~30 hours of solo I did...err....twice set a nose wheel down on the runway let's say "a tad hard." ;-)




P.S., BTW, I just looked at


where several Evektor owners has interesting detailed pro and con things to say about the Sportsstar



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