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Just flying along and see this...


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Well, not really, but if you'd been there....



That's one of the "bouncy houses"... after a "gust of wind" took it, along with some kids, for a ride.

 more info   TV Report

I'm pretty sure this had to be a "dust devil" type of thing... but goes to show how strong they can be.

Don't forget, the only fatal US CT accident was caused by a dust devil on short final.


Karen and I saw that on the news tonight.


We both laughed.


And then felt really bad because children had been injured.


But then we laughed again - and felt even worse.


I guess there's no hope for us.


FAA meeting at this minute: must regulate, must regulate... need more budget... more divisions, more supervisors...


I wouldn't be too worried the FAA rulemaking process is so glacial (it is now going to be 2020 before there are any rules for commercial UAS) I expect no rules for bouncy houses until at least 2040! :-)


I wouldn't be too worried the FAA rulemaking process is so glacial (it is now going to be 2020 before there are any rules for commercial UAS) I expect no rules for bouncy houses until at least 2040! :-)

I think it's borderline criminal that at this late date not even transponders are required for bounce houses!


Definitely was wondering about that.  In this case, the bounce house was reported to be appropriately staked and the parents were actively supervising so it doesn't appear there was human error.  The local news had various clips of other bounce houses being blown around which I had always thought were not properly staked.  Now it looks like there may be challenges for how they are currently secured.


My take on UAS is that I do no wrong then I fear no one.

But, it is still annoying to know that someone is looking...


I am actually more worried about traffic cameras at intersections rather than the UAS.


Basically, traffic cameras represents REVENUE rather than a safety for all.

You know that traffic camera suppliers studied REVENUE vs cost.

That is not what is our local government need to focus on today.


Just need to stop spending and wasting tax payers moey...period.


I think there are a lot of people waiting to make a lot of money with their UAS systems. There is a ton off opportunity, but right now with no FAA rules there are going to be people doing dumb things which will lead to every state and even municipalities creating a hodgepodge of laws.

MN had one proposed that would make it a felony to task pictures of anyone with a UAS without their permission. That would mean you could not fly where there was a possibility of accidentally videoing someone. Not a park not an R/C event, not your backyard. I think it has died on committee, but that's the kind of stuff sensible regulation from the FAA could avoid.


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