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Sky View maps upgrade

Dan Kent

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Yesterday I upgraded the base map, low resolution map, and the very low resolution map for my SV system.


The base map is a very large file (2.5 Gb) and the total of the 3 was about 2.75 Gb. It took about 1 hr and 45 minutes, with the base map taking about 1 and 1/2 hours.


Before doing this I was concerned as to how long the upload would take and would my battery last and/or be so depleted that I could do damage to it. The download from the Dynon website took over an hour.


Prior to the upload I bought a CTEK MUS 4.3 and connected it to my battery and set it on motorcycle mode. It ran through its diagnostics and indicated the battery needed a slight charge (it had sat for about 4 weeks).


When uploading these files, I switched to the car mode, as the unit puts out 4.3 amps. I had one display on for the upload (display draws about 3.5 amps, and didn't turn anything off (radio, ads-b, etc were left on) and at the end everything seemed fine. I set the CTEK back to motorcycle mode and left it on the battery.


Just thought I would share my experience with this large upload as Dynon recently upgraded these 3 files for the SV system.


Hey guys,

The 3 files names and size on disk (from properties) are:

reg-02-north-america-2014-08-05.dup                    2,566,848,512 bytes

reg-worldwide-low-res-terrain-2014-08-05.dup          224,198,656 bytes

reg-worldwide-very-low-res-terrain-2014-08-05.dup      4,128,768 bytes


I got the names and sizes from the drive I used to install from.  These are not the monthly updates, but improved base maps.


I haven't had a chance to fly with these yet, but did power up both displays and had no error messages, so I think the installation went properly.  I do know that after each install, the system said the installation was sucessful.


The SV system first verifies the data in each file, then erases the old database and then installs the new database.  Nearly 2 hours to do the 3, but the first one took most of the time.


Hope this helps.


Hey guys,

The 3 files names and size on disk (from properties) are:

reg-02-north-america-2014-08-05.dup                    2,566,848,512 bytes

reg-worldwide-low-res-terrain-2014-08-05.dup          224,198,656 bytes

reg-worldwide-very-low-res-terrain-2014-08-05.dup      4,128,768 bytes


I got the names and sizes from the drive I used to install from.  These are not the monthly updates, but improved base maps.


I haven't had a chance to fly with these yet, but did power up both displays and had no error messages, so I think the installation went properly.  I do know that after each install, the system said the installation was sucessful.


The SV system first verifies the data in each file, then erases the old database and then installs the new database.  Nearly 2 hours to do the 3, but the first one took most of the time.


Hope this helps.

Thank you.


Secondly, I own a "turd".

So, that means you're not laboring under the oppressive yoke of Flight Design?


Good for you!


(Joking, for anyone who takes this stuff far too seriously)


The current version of the Dynon Skyview 6.2 update is:  FAA_av1409_ob1404_6.2  about an 8 meg file.


The update is for

US Aviation Database for SkyView

Valid: Aug 21 - Sept 17

US Obstacle Database for SkyView

Valid: July 24 - Sept 17


These updates usually take about 30 seconds.  What did you download and update? And where did you get it from?


He's talking about the terrain databases, not the monthly FAA data that you are pointing to.

I guarantee those updates are going to take a whole lot longer than 30 seconds.


Uh oh.  I hope you didn't download the new version of the Dynon Skyview OS v11 and load it?  if you did, you just messed up your Skyviews and may need a costly revert to Flight Designs official Dynon Skyview version 6.2


You are NOT allowed to upgrade the OS to anything higher than version 6.2.  Doing so violates your warranty and may be incompatible with your ECU software.  You should verify that you didn't do that, and do not fly until you fix the problem.  Give FD USA Dave Armando a call, he may be able to guide you thru this...

I know that this the CT forum, but not every airplane wrapped around a Dynon Skyview is a CT.


The website is still down and when I originally downloaded the files to my USB stick, I thought I had read that these maps had to be uploaded into each display, but with the site down, the instructions weren't there.


I sent an email to Dynon support to confirm this, and the answer is, yes they must be uploaded to each display, so I'm only 1/2 way there.


Dan, It looks like they updated the updates on 9/3 which probably means another round of installs.


As per Dynon guidance, no need to do that if your previous install went okay.

This latest release just, slightly, streamlined the previous install files.

That information is available on the Dynon Forum site.


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