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Garmin 330 issue

NC Bill

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Coming out of the 2 year recertification the Mode C altitude reporting doesn't appear to ATC. Location does appear. Certifying technician says he only turned the device ON & OFF and nothing else.


The face of the transponder shows normally: ALT with flashing R. 


The transponder has been recycled several times and flown 3 times. Same result.


Any suggestions appreciated.




Coming out of the 2 year recertification the Mode C altitude reporting doesn't appear to ATC. Location does appear. Certifying technician says he only turned the device ON & OFF and nothing else.


The face of the transponder shows normally: ALT with flashing R.


The transponder has been recycled several times and flown 3 times. Same result.


Any suggestions appreciated.

Transponder test requires an interrogation sweep as part of the test. Did he actually do the interrogation test? It is true that all is needed is to turn the transponder on, then sweep the antenna.

Eddie -  it's a GARMIN 330 which reports Mode C and provides TIS traffic. Not sure about separate encoder. Same as in the CIRRUS.



Corey - tech meant that his test couldn't have caused the issue as he didn't change any settings, just turned it ON & OFF.


Several years ago I had the problem of ATC rec. everything but Alt. Turned out to be the tray was not going all the way back in. A little filing enabled it to go in the extra RCH needed. Has worked fine since then.


I have always seen the encoder separate from the transponder, even in my Cirrus.


You'll have to see if the 330 incorporates one. It's possible, but a new one on me.


I know the Dynon D100 can provide altitude information to the transponder. I would guess the Skyview is the same. Have you done any recent updated on your Skyview? Maybe this problem, and your pressure problem are being caused by the Skyview.


I had this question when I first bought my CTSW. The Dynon D100 had been sent back into the shop by the previous owner for an update and some settings were changed. I did not know that. I was going crazy with the traditional transponder repairman ready to do expensive brain surgery.

The way I solved it was to call Dynon and they talked me through the settings while I sat in the airplane. I'm sorry I don't' remember them. You may ask on the Dynon forum or give them a phone call.


The Skyview simply displays the information for the SV-XPNDR-261/262 Mode S xpndr.  The Skyview will display the xpndr status in the top bar.  One status is SBY (standby, which indicates the xpndr will not respond to interrogation).  The entire bar will be red-x out if there is an electrical malfunction. 


You can set AUTO mode versus manual mode on the transponder via settings in the Skyview which will automatically change GND to ALT when you takeoff. But not much else...


You can of course enter xpndr codes and VFR and IDENT from the Skyview also.


Skyview also sends the altitude to the transponder, if you want to know what it's sending set BARO to 29.92 and read the altitude on the altimeter tape.


If you have a GTX 330 or 327 you cannot set any params for the xpndr, but the status will still display as above.

Not all of the aircraft with a Dynon Skyview have the integrated Dynon transponder. Many of the early skyview equipped aircraft use the Garmin transponder, just like they did with the D100/120 combo.


Oh gosh - i too could do with a little bit of help.   Garmin GTX327.   I have the ALT mode with flashing R.   ATC not seeing me. No location and No ALT.   I have checked all the wire connections  i could see or think of.   I have swapped antennas (perhaps antenna issue) - nothing.   

Unit was sent to an avionics shop that resulted with an all ok.    Still nothing.   


Oh gosh - i too could do with a little bit of help. Garmin GTX327. I have the ALT mode with flashing R. ATC not seeing me. No location and No ALT. I have checked all the wire connections i could see or think of. I have swapped antennas (perhaps antenna issue) - nothing.

Unit was sent to an avionics shop that resulted with an all ok. Still nothing.


Take the plane in. Possibly the antenna. The tests for antennas are very complex.

Take the plane in. Possibly the antenna. The tests for antennas are very complex.

Noted - Yup,  i think that is the only option left for me to do (been delaying the huge costs on this - only one testing guy available here and i gotta fly him in with his equipment)


Noted - Yup,  i think that is the only option left for me to do (been delaying the huge costs on this - only one testing guy available here and i gotta fly him in with his equipment)

the comments on the encoder are worth looking at too. Have yu had a chance to open the manual and look in the troubleshooting section?
  • 1 year later...

oh my - i just saw this post which i had forgotten about, and it reminded me it has been 2 years since i last posted about my transponder issue / problem.   Well,  i guess i really got away without the need for one for these years.   However, after checking once again, (hours of head scratching)  i finally found the fault.    I hope the picture explains it better than my description.  The transponder was not connected well enough that the antenna connection was barely connected.  Power was connected fine which made me assume the antenna was just fine too.  Apparently not.  

Transponder 327


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