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Time of day to fly

Dan Kent

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I think I have fallen into a pattern of not flying during the middle of the day. I usually fly in the morning and try to be on the ground before noon. I have also flown during the late afternoon, but I'm a morning person and enjoy flying early.


Am I missing good flying weather, or do most of you also fly early or late?


The middle of the day is generally has the most wind and turbulence. If you like mornings and evenings, stick with them. You can always pick a nice day and go flying at midday. Best case, you have a great time and expand your time parameters. Worst case, you remind yourself why you don't like flying in the hot and bumpy parts of the day.


I don't avoid flying in the middle, but I fly in mornings or evenings when I can...it's just smoother and more pleasant to me.


Dan -- where we live midday flying below 3500' can be a bit warm and bumpy from May-September. I don't avoid this if I'm taking a trip but will rarely fly around the patch from noon to five. October thru April I'll fly anytime at any altitude.


As a desert dweller, I've always been a morning person. Not much can trump a dawn departure (preferably NOT east bound!), with the glassy smooth air that comes with it. Also, in my part of the world, I find it best to be back in the hangar before the ramp liquifies.


Moving from a Cirrus to a CT reminded me what wing loading is all about!


I'm 75% afternoon/evening... love a nice evening flight. Not much of a morning person so I only get up early to fly in the mountains.... but flying in the mountains is worth getting up early for :)


Usually avoid the middle of the day too


Thanks everyone. Kind of confirmed what I've experienced. I can fly through the thermals but just not as enjoyable as the morning smooth air.


Thanks Dave for more specific info for our area.


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