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Info needed for San Diego trip


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Good morning,


My trip plan is from northeastern PA to San Diego.

Through Little Rock, AR. > above Dallas, TX. > El Paso > Tucson > Uma > San Diego


I'll be very close, At some points, to the US/Mex border, staying out of restricted airspace.

Has anyone flown near the border? If so, are there problems with the border patrol or any tips you can give me along this southern route?

It would be greatly appreciated.





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I fly along the boarder all the time. It isn't an issue unless you turn off your transponder and sneak low through the Mnts. I fly 100' off the deck and 300' off the fence line. Border patrol even said if I crossed the fence and didn't land it was no issue although I don't think I would make a habit of that. I have even flown low enough to wave at them in the cameras.  ;)  The fence line is inside the US and that is done so if our agents need to grab someone on the other side they can go there and not be on Mexican soil. We have been flying the fence for 10 years and even before it was erected.

Call me if you have any questions.


Yuma is a nice place to stay and or fuel if need be. It is 1.8 hrs. from Tucson. We ride our quads along the border fence around Yuma to Calexico without any issues. There is a Border agent about every 3-5 miles in a truck.


I even have Border Patrols freq. if I need it.

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