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new throttle cables how to


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Why do you want to install new cable?

It's pretty small cable around 1.2mm. It must be multi strand to be very flexible. The cable isn't easy to come by from just anyone.

It's actually quite easy. The cable end down at the throttle lever have a crimped on cable stop. Just take the new cable and thread it backwards from the throttle pulley and back behind the partition where the cable stop is crimped on the end. Once crimped just thread the other end the same way through the system as the old cable out to the carb. I would highly recommend that you leave the cable sheath in place and just thread the cable through unless the sheathing has been damaged in some way. The first time I did this I thought it may be pretty entailed, but was pleasantly surprised on how easy it was.

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I just did a set on a SW, because the cables were frayed where they clamp down on the throttle arm. I wouldn't have known this if I hadn't removed the arm for other maintenance. I purchased off of Ebay a 25M length for $15. I purchased the stops from the hardware store, but they needed to be drilled out to put 2 stands through the stop. I crimped with a Nicopress tool. The one tip I found that will help is when inserting the cable in the little bulkhead in front of the throttle lever. Finding that little hole was tough, so I pushed a piece od 1/16" heat shrink in from the side you can see, then fed the cable in the end of the heat shrink and pulled it through.


BTW if you need some cable I can send you a piece long enough to do it slow mail for $3.


PS< I'm with Roger on not changing the housing unless absolutely needed.

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flexible multi strand cable is essential. use a cable cutter, not a side cutter.

stiff, wound core strand cables can bind on the wheel radius and  lead to enigmatic and uneven carb balances.

... apparently.

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It is two separate cables with each having its own stop.

The cable stops are just a small brass cable stop that has a hole in it. You put the cable in and just crimp it. No special tool needed. Just make sure it gets crimped.




use the 1/16" sleeve. If you can pass the end through this and then back through for about 1/16" then do it. If you can't don't worry about it. I have seen two sets of these when doubled in the sleeve hold for 200 hrs. and they were never crimped.

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The 1mm cable won't pass both ways through a 1/16" cable stop. I went to the hardware store and purchased 2 aluminum 1/16" cable stops. I drilled them out to .080" for the 2 passes of cable. You may not need a special tool, but I had one here to use so I used it.


No need to weave the cables together. If it is cut with a cable cutter it will push easily through the housing.

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I'm sure it's obvious when you take this apart but any pictures of this?  Maybe a picture of the "double" pass-thru for the cable thru the stop?


Tom, it it's not a PITA, I would be interested in buying enough cable to do both carbs.  Please send email to   reh3335@yahoo.com if you're interested in doing this.

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