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Push rod o rings


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I was so confused... i was thinking airframe controls (also called push rods) until you said crank case.


I knew what he was talking about, because of his other thread about a oil leak.


Here are sizes from lockwood


1  250 510   87x2        bottom of cylinder

1 430 205    6.4x1.8    bolt o ring valve cover

1 250 285    105x2.5   valve cover

2 230 910    34x2        intake

2 850 930    16x5        push rod tubes 

1 950 180    19x2        coolant nipple


950-180 is the O-ring for the coolant nipple. Also you will need to loosen the exhaust to pull the head. The exhaust lock nuts should really be replaced if they are removed.


If you have the cylinder off I would also install the 431-411 double o-ring for the studs. The problem I found is the cooling shroud needs to be removed to get good access to the cylinder base o-ring. To take the cooling shroud off things get much more complicated.


I don't think I will have to remove the shroud seeing that it's the front left cylinder, I thought someone

said thee were no o rings on my engine for the studs??


Your engine was not manufactured with the O-rings. It is a after the fact fix by Rotax because of the little oil leak that showed up on some engines. All of this is covered in the SI that I posted in the other thread.


I just replaced all these seals on a CTSW. I won't say it can't be done, but replacing the cylinder base O-ring will be tough without removing the shroud, even on one cylinder. 


Since you said left front cylinder take a look at crankcase in between where the pushrod tubes go. Your little oil leak could be the precursor of a bigger problem. I have been told and seen pictures of a crack in the case in this area. They said normally you won't notice a problem, until the engine gets hard to turn.


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