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Too Old To Fly


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Time to Stop Flying? An Attorney’s Perspective http://www.avweb.com/news/features/Time-to-Stop-Flying-An-Attorneys-Perspective-226829-1.html


The bad news is that by age 55, every single pilot is slowing down and at increasing risk of bending an airplane. Another facet of that bad news is that if you are not a professional pilot, your risk of having an accident is higher than if you are.

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Of course "every" pilot. Bob Hoover for instance should have quit flying 30 years before he did.

This is one person's opinion and he makes a broad generalization. To pick one point, busting airspace - yes,, I know older pilots that don't know technology, but those that do and use a good GPS are unlikely to have that issue.

We have a 90 year old who just flew his 800th young eagle. I met an 80 year old woman a few years back who was practicing spot landings in her Piper Cub and then took it to Oshkosh for the Cub gathering that year. I knew another 80 year old woman who would fly every nice morning she could off of her grass farm strip.

All of the accidents I can recall around here (except one) have involved people under the age of 55.

Of course professional pilots have a better record. The hours, the planes flown and the places they land are a big factor.

Now that is just one person's observations and opinion, just like the lawyer's.

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IMHO this is an individual situation that each of us should evaluate for ourselves. 


Concur.  In fact, it's required in the regs before each flight!  More than that self evaluation is rarely necessary, IMO.  Very few people want to put themselves in personal danger, and those that do realistically can't be stopped from doing so.

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I have a friend who is 87 and fly's a Stearman. If any of you pilots think you are good, try flying a Stearman, I can guarantee you will be humbled. Age and experience is key to making good decisions as most accidents I see come from poor decisions and low experience not age. If you are 55 and think it's over for you, that sounds like a lack of confidence and maybe you should quit. I at age 66 still train mustangs ( wild horses ) and if you think flying is stressful and hard, try getting on a wild horse for the first time. It's all a state of mind and physical condition, not age. It is when you give up that it's over. When my father was in his 80's he was teaching computers to old guys. This is not to denigrate anyone, so never give up and always practice.

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It's not just fly or not. At 80 yrs of age, I decided that IFR, complex and high cross winds were not too smart.

Now at 85 I am confident and careful and happy in an LSA. Including cross country from Fla to NY and back.

Be careful and realistic.

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