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* You'll need to create an account (register) to take full advantage of the forum (it's free and quick)

* If you aren't logged-in, some features will not be available

* Use the SEARCH feature before posting a question... the topic may have been covered already

* The "view new content" link (just below the search box) is very useful

.........it works even better if you change your profile settings

.........so that it only displays new items since your last visit

.........bottom of the settings page - change to "show me content that I have not read"

* The "today's active content" link (at the bottom of the forum page, in the top of the statistics area) is nice

.........Try it by clicking here it shows postings for the last day

* The Help feature, in the upper-right corner, is very "helpful"

* Access your personal settings, and messaging, just to the right of your name (upper-right corner)

* You can start a new topic, or reply to existing posts

* Reply using the "fast reply" below each post (if you hit the reply button it quotes the previous post)

* Try to create topics in the appropriate area

* Post links to videos and pictures, so we can conserve space

* A special version of the forum will display if you use a smartphone, formatted for the smaller screen.


* Be Nice! If you're feeling a bit grumpy, come back later.

* No foul language or personal attacks.

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  • 2 years later...

Mr. Social Director,


I just made a post and noted that the following additional info was shown below my "post" numbers: "0 warning points". What does this mean? I didn't see this below anyone elses' post info? Am I on probation? Am I on "double secret probation"?


I been good! Really.

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