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Over the weekend I took the Light Sport Repairman - Inspection (LSRI) course from Michael Huffman at Sport Aviation Specialties:




The course was pretty good, but the information in it was pretty basic.  It is for inspection only, so maintenance and alterations are not really covered, only how to spot and correct deficiencies during a condition inspection.  


Anybody on this forum could probably take the course and pass the test with little issue.  That said, I did learn some things and I felt the course was valuable.  I also have to say Mr. Huffman does a great job with it, it's very well organized and presented.  If anybody in the Southeast (or even farther away) has an E-LSA or is just interested in increasing their proficiency in spotting squawks, I can definitely recommend this.


One thing that was hammered home in the course is that even though experimental aircraft really don't have to abide by most rules regarding manufacturer specified maintenance, TBO, etc, the person performing the inspection does have to certify the aircraft "is in a condition for safe operation",  which is hard to justify if certain recommended maintenance is not performed.  


Now I have to go to the FSDO with the class certificate and get a repairman cert issued for my CTSW.  There's always another piece of red tape to cut through!

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I did this before there was any RLSM classes were available and I had one of the first ELSA's in the early stages. The course was basic and not a lot of help on my plane. I just made me legal.Once I took the RLSM class it made more two day course invalid.

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I took the Inspector course from Rainbow.  Given the two day duration, it's not possible to train on all aspect of inspection and repair.  I found the course a very good investment of time and I really like having the authority to maintain and inspect my E-LSA.  


Andy, you are clearly an ideal E-LSA owner and LSRI certificate holder.  Wish you were closer so we could collaborate directly on maintenance.  

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