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E-LSA and Insurance


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Regarding E-LSA and insurance:

When I told my insurance broker that my aircraft was changing to E-LSA, he checked with my carrier (USAIG), and said that there would be no change to my policy, other than noting E-LSA status.  That seemed too good to be true, but I was happy to hear it.  Fast forward to today, when I received my renewal notice...

As promised, there is NO change to the coverage, policy limits, deductibles, or hull value (still the same $75k I have always carried on the airplane).  My annual premium went from $1250 last year to $1150 this year, which is in line with the $100 to $150 drop in premium I have seen each year for the last four years.  My total time is listed as 480hrs, time in type 440hrs.  The following in the policy tells me the change has been made properly:  "NOTE: There is no coverage in flight unless an E-LSA airworthiness certificate is in full force and effect."

So in short:  There is NO insurance penalty for changing to E-LSA in my case, YMMV.

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What are your liability limits?   

Do you have a different (lower) limit for claims by passengers (reduced limit for claim by passenger) than the liability limit for claims by others?


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23 hours ago, Tom Baker said:

I believe that is contingent on having the required minimum insurance on the aircraft and pilot.

Yes, one of the pilot requirements is liability insurance, although I have seen no specific amount required. I've always had insurance so didn't think about it. The EAA coverage is suppplemental.

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