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Wiring Diagram

John Vance

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I'm looking for a wiring diagram for a 2010 CTLS, the one showing ignition & electrical systems. The version I have is dated May 2006, and Arian at FD doesn't have anything more recent. Does anyone have a PDF version of a newer drawing?



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The 2006 diagram will be accurate enough. The difference for a 2010 will be that the flap controller and flap relay board will be a single board, but the flap motor, flap potentiometer, and flap limiters will be the same. There is a small pot on the 2010 system that allows you to control the over current limit as well.

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  • 9 months later...

Hi John.  Phil and I have been going over some wiring on his CT and we've been using his wiring diagram.  Have you checked with him?  Although his CTLS is a 2008 and the diagram came with his plane, I'm not sure what year his diagram is.  I'm surprised that FDUSA doesn't have supplements to the 2006 diagram which provide wiring for revised or new systems.

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