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Favorite weather app for planning?


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Just wondering what people like to use for outlook planning.  I use ifly gps in the cockpit and it updates weather on my phone. However, when looking out 4-5 days for pretrip planning I have not found a favorite website or app. Your opinions please.


I use Garmin Pilot supplemented by usairnet.com.  That site only gives weather 2.5 days out, but it seems to be very accurate for that time period.  The only issue I see is they consistently underestimate the wind  - they give wind in mph, and I find it's pretty close to correct if I use their numbers but assume knots instead of mph. 


Foreflight and MyRadar and AeroWeather. MyRadar shows area weather conditions like icing, turbulence, IFR, etc. on a variety of map bases, even a Sectional if you want to pay a little for it. 

AeroWeather gives Metar and TAF + wind direction and components for that airports runways for both Metar and TAF. You can group local airports or set up a list for an expected flight or a common route.

I also use 1800wxbrief.com for in depth and sometimes to file. You can set a reminder to close. Every now and then I embarrass myself by forgetting to close my plan.


For long distance flight planning, I use the NOAA MAV MOS site:   http://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/forecast/graphics/MAV/

The site gives information for the whole continental US, and is usually dead-on accurate or very close for VFR flying.  You select a product on the left like "ceiling height", "inflated wind speed", "visibility", etc., then select a time slice up to 4 days out,  and you get a map of the USA graphically showing that metric over the entire country.

I have used this tool for planning flight trips from Georgia to Arizona, Oshkosh, Michigan, etc. and it's always been very accurate at letting me know what the conditions are going to be along the entire route of travel. 


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