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Desert Flying


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Hi fellow pilots. I might be going to Tunisia with m’y CT this summer. Tunisia is not very deep into the Sahara but it can be very hot. Seeking your advice, recommandations, DOs and DONTs, checklist, for flying in hot conditions. Here in the North of Fr it can be quite bumpy sometimes when it gets hot (I agrée it’s rare) so I’m wondering how thermals can be over desert and arid areas. Looking Forward.

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I live in Arizona. Plenty of hot summer days. We tend to fly early at sun up to miss out on those wonderful thermals.  That said if we do fly in the middle of the day it is up high where the temps are cooler. If your engine temps are okay on take off then no problem. If they do want to climb over 245F then take off flatter with more speed to get better air flow. Other than that no special issues. Make sure your WOT is at or above 5500 rpm in level flight. 5600-5650 is the best balanced rpm. Lower rpms will cause engine temps to climb and poor performance in high DA situations.

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