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Electronic CT Checklists for the Dynon 100


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If anyone is interested I have an electronic checklist file for the CT that can be uploaded into your Dynon 100 EFIS. It has everything from Startup to Shutdown. Easy to access and read, and it doesnt fall under the seat!


I'd like a copy please, I bet I can upload it into my Blue Mountain Avionics EFIS.

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Ok, here is the file. Download to the computer you use to update your Dynon. Change the file extension to .ckl then from the Dynon application select load checklist from file, load it up and you should be good to go. The "Lists" menu will open into "On Ground" "Takeoff" "Inflight" "Land" and "Emer". Each selection has sub menus to select the appropriate checklist. It is for reference only, the Aircraft Operating Instructions and the FAR's should always be followed.





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Notepad will open it, and I think you could even edit it from note pad. When I first tried to loead the file in the forum with the .ckl extension the forum file loader would not let me upload the file, that is why I changed the file extension to a pdf, just so the forum file upload would recognize it as valid. Sorry for the confusion! You should be able to just rename it on your computer "ckecklist.ckl" and the Dynon program should read it.

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