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NC Bill

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I use the Composiclean for clean-up after flying and this seems to make the next clean-up easier, especially removing squashed bugs. Recently, I've been using Turtle Wax "Ice" spray wax on my cars and boats. I find this wax to be long lasting and it just sprays on (even in bright sun) and then is wiped off while still wet. Advertisments say it can be used on paint, clear plastic (headlights), vinyl and rubber, which I do. I haven't looked at the PH for this so if anyone might know if this is OK to use on our CT's, I'd like to give it a try. It is super easy to use and it does seem to last. This also comes in a paste wax.

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I use the Composiclean for clean-up after flying and this seems to make the next clean-up easier, especially removing squashed bugs. Recently, I've been using Turtle Wax "Ice" spray wax on my cars and boats. I find this wax to be long lasting and it just sprays on (even in bright sun) and then is wiped off while still wet. Advertisments say it can be used on paint, clear plastic (headlights), vinyl and rubber, which I do. I haven't looked at the PH for this so if anyone might know if this is OK to use on our CT's, I'd like to give it a try. It is super easy to use and it does seem to last. This also comes in a paste wax.






They don't make it anymore but TurtleWax used to have a great waterless wash/wax called Foam Away. The PH is 9.2. 1 can would do about 2 tip to tail cleanings plus a few after flight touch-ups. I bought a couple cases for around $9/can online. I've only bucket washed my plane once in the 3+ years I've owned it. You can still find it online.

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For touch-ups and bug removal after flights, I'm a believer in BAAM. Gets the bugs off and seems to leave a slight residue that makes it easier to get the bugs off next time.


About once a year I use this stuff:




Goes on easy, buffs off easy, and leaves a VERY glossy surface. Don't know about durability, but seems OK applied annually or so.

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I second the NuFinish. I have used it on all my cars and airplane for many years. It seems to last a long time. I also go the Composiclean spray wax after flights for the bugs.


If you are going to a fly in and want to easily claen the airplane when you get there a thin coat of wax that is not removed will let the bugs come off real easy.

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They don't make it anymore but TurtleWax used to have a great waterless wash/wax called Foam Away. The PH is 9.2. 1 can would do about 2 tip to tail cleanings plus a few after flight touch-ups. I bought a couple cases for around $9/can online. I've only bucket washed my plane once in the 3+ years I've owned it. You can still find it online.


With a pH of 9.2, that's somewhat alkaline and the maintenance handbook seems pretty strict on using only pH neutral (i.e. 7) products or you risk damaging the foam core of the structure, so I'd be a bit wary of using that.

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Hard to say on whether 9.2 is too harsh. The spray stays on the surface about 15 seconds so I don't believe there is much chances of penetration. Also need to temper the interpretation of the effects of a specifc ph level -- soap and water is around 12, most car waxes are between 8 and 9. Spray wax/cleaners go to the acid side in the 4-5 range. PH of 7 is the most conservative way to go but, as many have pointed out, that's not going to get all types of grime off your bird.

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Composiclean Super spray wax works great for everyday cleanup and the more you use it the better the surface gets. I use it on the whole plane even the windows, just use a soft clean cloth when doing the windoes. If you live in a really buggy area, the composiclean view polish takes them off easy, then you can go back over it with the spray wax. The composiclean multipurpose cleaner works good on the belly to take off the exhuast, its a higher ph so wipe it off with a damp water cloth then go back over with the spray wax. The view polish will also clean that rough instrument panel, just lightly spray, let it foam then blot with one of those blue paper shop towels.

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The pH thing is unclear in the FD manuals - they just say what NOT to use (Fantastic, Formula 409, Carbonex or Castrol Super Clean) because of their alkaline nature - anyone know HOW alkaline these things are?


pH of course is a logarithmic scale so ordinary soapy water is around pH 12


This link explains all http://www.composiclean.com/id25.html

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