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Tecnam Sierra Forced Landing


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Thought I would share information about this incident because the Sierra has a Rotax 912 engine.

This happened last week and was a topic of the 12/7 VMC Club put on by the local EAA chapter. I know, and have flown with, the CFI on board. The owner is a freshly minted sport pilot who I don't know although the plane is based here at Independence (7S5).

They were at 3500' MSL just north of Salem, OR when oil pressure was lost and oil was visibly apparent on the outside of the aircraft. I think there was also smoke in the cockpit which cleared quickly when they shut the heater off and opened fresh air vents. The engine continued to run so they decided to head toward the Salem airport. That idea went out the window when the engine quit (froze up) within a minute of making the Salem airport decision.

Not able to make Salem they quickly discounted  other "airports" in the area which are farmers "airports" known to be soft and possibly muddy this time of year here in the Great NorthWET. 

Knowing not to pick a brown field this time of year they picked a green one that looked pretty good and appeared to have good approaches. The CFI made the landing and the plane came to a stop in about 300' with no damage. The mains sunk in about two inches and the nose wheel did not sink in at all. The plane was then transported, with the wings removed, back to Independence.

Inspection of the engine revealed that the starter came lose and just about came off the engine. I haven't seen it but have heard third hand about stretched bolts, stripped threads, etc. I'll try to find out more.

I don't know if there is any history about 912's having this problem. I have never heard of any previous incidents like this. Maybe Roger or Tom can comment.

Anyway, now may be a good time to check your starters.


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