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Looking for a Dynon D-120, new, used or refurbished


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Mine is on the way to dynon for bench testing. Low current alarms and failure to boot. Their policy is they will check it for free, if they find a problem it’s a flat $450 to repair.  Not a bad deal .  Good luck with your search, but repair may be another option. 


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Was it just the alarm or because it was not reading current?  

If just the alarm,  did you try turning off the current alarm in the setup panel? 

If it is not reading current, leading to the alarm, did you check the connections at the shunt?



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The flight started out normal, 20 minutes in it started bouncing around - 30 and more.  It even touched negative 99 at one point.  I know it’s erroneous because the battery continued to charge.  I would silence the alarm and the amps would bounce back into the yellow for a moment and then go red again which retriggered the alarm. It’s an audio alarm over the headset.  I had to turn the EMS off.  Landed at an airport, cleaned the fuse holders at the shunt.  Took off and it was fine all the way home. 
next day it failed again.  Very frustrating. 

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