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Numbers are not displayed on Press Alt on the gtx327 screen.

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Gtx 327 gets pressure altitude from external encoder. Depending on what type of encoder is used there can be a significant delay in data when first turned on due to encoder heater. Of course the transponder must be on ALT.


Well, you are right. I thought this unit had an internal barometer like many do.

SJYoon, all of the following only applies if you have a Dynon D100 EFIS.

The EFIS will be the encoder. Section 4.2 of the garmin GTX 327 installation manual Rev K has the pinouts and configuration information for altitude encoding for the transponder. Page 3.8 of the Dynon D100 EFIS installation manual Rev H has the information for the EFIS side of the encoder connection.

9 hours ago, Anticept said:

"ALT" 모드(모드 C)가 아니라 "켜짐" 모드(모드 A)에 있습니다. 내부 고도계가 있습니다. ALT라고 표시될 때까지 ALT 버튼을 길게 누릅니다.

또한 미국 전단지의 경우 1200은 VFR입니다.


9 hours ago, Anticept said:

It's in "on" mode (mode A), not "ALT" mode (mode C). It has an internal altimeter. Press and hold the ALT button until it says ALT

Also, for US flyers, 1200 is VFR

Same in ALT mode. Thank you for your reply.

6 hours ago, Anticept said:

네 말이 맞아. 나는 이 단위가 많은 사람들처럼 내부 기압계를 가지고 있다고 생각했습니다.

SJYoon, Dynon D100 EFIS가 있는 경우에만 다음 사항이 모두 적용됩니다.

EFIS가 인코더가 됩니다. Garmin GTX 327 설치 설명서 Rev K의 섹션 4.2에는 응답기의 고도 인코딩에 대한 핀아웃 및 구성 정보가 있습니다. Dynon D100 EFIS 설치 매뉴얼 Rev H의 3.8페이지에는 엔코더 연결의 EFIS 측에 대한 정보가 있습니다.

I have an EFIS D100.
I'll have to check the wiring.
Thank you.
I live in korea.
Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable flight.

On 3/11/2023 at 9:13 AM, Anticept said:

It's in "on" mode (mode A), not "ALT" mode (mode C). It has an internal altimeter. Press and hold the ALT button until it says ALT

Also, for US flyers, 1200 is VFR

1202 is for gliders.

15 hours ago, S.J.YOON said:

I have an EFIS D100.
I'll have to check the wiring.
Thank you.
I live in korea.
Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable flight.

What encoder do you have?


He has the D100, which has a compatible encoder internally and can be sent straight to the garmin unit without an intermediate.

The other part I didn't mention is that I previously thought the garmin used external encoders first before falling back to an internal baro, which it doesn't have.

Anyways @S.J.YOONoone last thing, read both manual sections first. There is some configuration that you should check before digging into the wiring. Section 5.2 of the gtx 327 describes how to access the hidden config menus, see 5.2.5 for the serial config. It's probably set to icarus. If it is, set on the efis: format 4, 9600 baud, in the ALTENC menu.


Honestly those serial outputs wont damage anything if they haven't already. It just changes the communication protocol.

More than likely the D100 got its brain scrambled which randomizes some of the settings. I have seen that happen twice. Not sure what causes it.

But that said it could also have been a student getting too touchy with settings they shouldn't.

5 hours ago, Anticept said:

He has the D100, which has a compatible encoder internally and can be sent straight to the garmin unit without an intermediate.

The other part I didn't mention is that I previously thought the garmin used external encoders first before falling back to an internal baro, which it doesn't have.

Anyways @S.J.YOONoone last thing, read both manual sections first. There is some configuration that you should check before digging into the wiring. Section 5.2 of the gtx 327 describes how to access the hidden config menus, see 5.2.5 for the serial config. It's probably set to icarus. If it is, set on the efis: format 4, 9600 baud, in the ALTENC menu.

Thank you for your kind and detailed explanation.
I'll check the D100 settings this weekend.

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Em 04/04/2023 às 19:23, GlennM disse:

Desculpe. Vi isso tarde. Você foi em setup>more>altenc>type 4 no D100?

Estou com o mesmo painel e tenho um skyview, e o mesmo procedimento?

7 hours ago, TIAGO said:

Estou com o mesmo painel e tenho um skyview, e o mesmo procedimento?

Não tenho certeza se essas etapas funcionam para o Skyview. Só tenho a D100.


Nobres, boa tarde, venho aqui compartilhar que descobri a configuração e agora o GTX 327, esta comunicando com a Dynon SkyView, e recebendo os dados de altimetria.

No meu caso no serial porta 1 setup em serial in device, selecionei Garmin GTX 327, no serial out device: icarus altitude 100ft e o baud rate em 9600, conforme foto.

Ja no garmin GTX 327, ingressei no setup dele ( com  ele desligado, pressiona FUNC + ON ou STBY, que iniciara em setup) ai tecla funçaõ vai alterando as telas, e CRSR, seleciona o campo a ser editado, sendo que a edição, faz com as teclas 8 e 9. 

Nele no campoRS-232 INPUT no CHNL 1, coloquei REMOTE, NO CHNL 2: ICARUS ALT,  e no OUTPUT, selecionei ICARUS ALT.

Após desliguei o GTX327 e a Dynon SkyView, e ao reiniciar eles, ja apareceu o GTX327, com a indicação de pressure ALT, a mesma que consta no altímetro da tela para o local (SJ39).

Espero essas dicas serem uteis e ajudarem quem precisar.

tela dynon.jpeg

GTX 327.jpeg


Dear friends, good afternoon, I am here to share that I discovered the configuration and now the GTX 327 is communicating with Dynon SkyView and receiving the altimetry data.


In my case, in the serial port 1 setup in serial in device, I selected Garmin GTX 327, in the serial out device: icarus altitude 100ft and the baud rate at 9600, as shown in the photo.


On the Garmin GTX 327, I entered its setup (with it turned off, press FUNC + ON or STBY, which will start in setup) then the function key changes the screens, and CRSR, selects the field to be edited, and editing is done with keys 8 and 9.


In the RS-232 INPUT field on CHNL 1, I entered REMOTE, on CHNL 2: ICARUS ALT, and in OUTPUT, I selected ICARUS ALT.


After turning off the GTX327 and Dynon SkyView, and when restarting them, the GTX327 appeared, with the indication of pressure ALT, the same as that shown on the screen altimeter for the location (SJ39).


I hope these tips are useful and help anyone who needs them.

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