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Nose Wheel Fairing

NC Bill

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My wheel fairing has about an inch of play front to back. Looking up under the lower cowl area there doesn't appear to be anything attaching it. Just confirming that is normal. Just never noticed it before.


If you are talking about back and forth at the top rotating around the 2 attach screws it happens ,but is not correct. Inside the wheel pant there is a support off the back of the fork above the tire. There is a web in the wheel pant from side to side with a hole that goes over a pin on the support. There should be a rubber grommet in the web. The grommet is likely gone and the hole is worn some. My fix was to sandwich the web with 2 AN970-3 washers and put a plastic tube over the pin to tighten it up. I attached the washers with 2 3/32" rivets, but you could use 2 little machine screws. The other choice is to fiberglass the hole back shut and start over. Tom

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There are two reasons your wheel pant may move back and forth. yes it is partly normal, but can be fixed. FD's mounting caused the issue. First is what Tom said in the previous post about how the wheel pant sets on the pin and it can be taken care of there. The other problem is that FD used a piece of fuel hose as a spacer which gets crushed and you can't tighten it down so it allows the pant to rock back and forth on the two axle mounting screws and saw out the hole even bigger. I remove this piece of hose and place either a plastic or meat spacer in its place. They can be purchased at Ace Hardware. Then you should (on all wheel pants) put a larger 1.25 fender washer on the inside of the pant where the attachment screw goes through. This way you have the wheel pant sandwiched between to washers that grab it over a larger area and when tightened down will hold the pant (front or back) front rocking back and forth and opening up the mounting hole in the pant. You can't tighten the rubber hose piece that FD put in there without crushing it to death and then it is non functional for the rocking and a spacer.

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Hard washer mounting of the wheel pants such as Roger suggests is the way to go. I cup form the washers and file the edges smooth so they don't dig into the wheel pant with an inner an outer washer at each attachment. The subject of repairing the locator for the front strut wheel pant was discussed a while ago elsewhere on the forum but I don't recall where. Here's the repair done on my CT. The picture is take laying on the floor looking up into the fairing. It was done it this way so it wasn't necessary to remove the wheel pant and also because a washer couldn't be used like Tom did due to the web being too eaten away. 1/8" thick aluminum was used and a hole drilled the correct size to tightly fit the locator pin on the strut. The other way to repair this would be to remove the wheel pant and expoxy in a reinforcement. In time, the hole may open up in the aluminum. If so, I will then use the hose spacer to add time before the whole thing needs to be removed and new plate riveted in.


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