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Flying With Doors Removed


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Andy, pictures taken while flying in friend's CTLS with his doors off. The foot is my friend's. The ugly face is mine. It certainly provides a different perspective of the terrain. No big deal to do. Just pull the hinge pins and pop off the door cylinder. Best to keep the speed below 70kts. this 2008 CTLS came from the factory with removable doors. I do not think that this option is still offered.

post-24-0-18700300-1379634276_thumb.jpg post-24-0-11497500-1379634275_thumb.jpg

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Andy, Roger is correct. We flew at various speeds but the buffeting of air in the cabin feeds into the headphones and causes communication problems. Flying at 70kts is very comfortable and the buffeting inside is not bad compared to 90kts. As a matter of fact, the CT flows air so well past the door opening that it fools one into thinking there isn't much going on just past the opening. I went to point out something of interest below us and got a few fingers into the slipstream. The air flow immediately wanted to forceably pull my hand out and back. About the same as sticking out one's hand from the car window at similar speeds. Just a little more sharply defined aerodynamics with the CT compared to the car. My friend now flies corporate but was a helicopter pilot for many years in the army and national guard. He reverts back to this type of flying by removing his doors occasionally to do some low and slow sightseeing.

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My CT has some 90° hinge pins on the doors with tiny little retaining pins through them, so I believe they are removable...if I get bold one nice day maybe I will try this.


Roger, your statement seems to indicate this is not an approved way to fly from FD...is that a problem, or is this a case of "it's not prohibited so it's allowed"?


Dick, the comms were my initial worry, my Zulu headset is pretty susceptible to wind noise.

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It is common practice to call for doors to be opened prior to ditching and I would consider it prior to landing in a forest (or not, depending on whether I wanted to get out of the plane later or have a branch up my nose) so I would hope that closed doors are not an essential part of the structural integrity.

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My doors have the removable pins. :) IF I decide to try it, I hope I remember to secure my airworthiness and registration and not leave them in the plastic window envelope where they might blow out. :(


Yeah, I would have to seriously police of a lot of little objects and papers before trying this.

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Andy, what is your wife's family name? My 50th class reunion is from Morley-Stanwood HS.


One brother lives just down the road out the back way of Stanwood. Very small world!


We are younger than you, but her family name is Stout, her mother is Marlene Porter who she still lives in Stanwood.

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